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Web Resources
More resources will be added to this page soon!

You can reserve your own site name by using the search box below. The cost for registering your own URL has been coming down. They will allow you to "park" your domain on their server until you are ready to build your site at no charge.

I have recently provided a workshop to teach college instructors how to develop their own web sites using Trellix Web and a free hosting service. You may read the details of that workshop, which will also provide the instruction to help you develop your own web site for free, whatever your application may be. Just click on this link: Web Construction Workshop

Then, once you have built a site or your own, the next step is to learn how to draw traffic and position your site to use as a sales tool. I have done enough research and just plain observation to tell you that there are enough resources out there for this to become a confusing issue. I have found that out of  all the clammor a strong knowledgeable voice is arising. That is Ken Evoy. Ken has developed a book entitled Make Your Site Sell which has been called the Bible of web site sales books.

Ken has gone overboard to provide a detailed teaching manual. He provides a strong money back guaranteee.  But even more remarkable, Ken allows a free sample download so you can examine this marvelous guide before you commit to spending a dime.

Personally, I put a lot of stock in being able to see a product before I make the decision to purchase. Ken understands that, and he also understands how to teach others how to build a successful Web Site. To hear more about Ken, his successes on the web, and this groundbreaking book, click on the following link:

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